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King’s High School ASB


ASB (Associated Student Body) consists of student leadership that helps build a strong school community through programs, events, and activities that support the healthy growth and development of all students socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

ASB at King’s High School is responsible for creating and organizing multiple events during the year. Members on ASB represent their grade level as the voice for the students in their grade. The King’s High School ASB is seen as the bridge between faculty and students.

King’s High School ASB consists of:

  • Presidents
  • Vice Presidents
  • Executive Council
  • Administrators
  • Spiritual Life Representatives
  • Public Relations Representatives
  • Activities Representatives
  • Homecoming Representatives

This year’s ASB mission statement states: “We the people of King’s ASB, promise to lead, unify, love, and sacrifice to show God’s glory through school events, school days, good days, and bad days.â€

ASB serves the High School through Student Leadership!

Lincoln Going is the ASB Spiritual Life Representative. For Lincoln, ASB means opportunity. He believes it is a great honor and responsibility to be the role models of the school. ASB has the ability to influence the school’s culture. ASB strives to have eyes for the students that are alone. Lincoln shares, “During the Fall Harvest Fest at the High School, a student was sitting alone. I witnessed two ASB members sit down with him. They learned his name and then brought him hot cider. That is what my favorite part of ASB is.â€

As a student leader, Lincoln has learned that at times being a leader means allowing others to step up and lead. Roles in ASB accomplish just that. Students learn how to collaborate and delegate as they work towards one common goal of serving the student body.

Lincoln’s prayer for King’s is, “As a Student Body, we would know Jesus, live in his truth and Gospel, and bless His name with the way we live our lives.â€

King’s High School ASB